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The two LIFE projects TritoMontseny an Auenamphibien came to visit us on 29, 30 and 31 of August.

A wonderful experience of growth and sharing of experiences between projects aimed at the conservation of amphibians throughout Europe.

The LIFE TritoMontseny project takes place in Catalonia in the Parc Natural del Montseny and deals with a new rare species: the Montseny newt, an endemic species with very few known presence stations.

The LIFE Auenamphibien project deals with the conservation of different species of amhibiansin danger in central-northern Europe lowlands.

Visiting the interventions in the Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona and Campigna Nationala Park , together with the representatives of these two projects, we were able to observe with great joy the presence of individuals of Apennine yellow-bellied toad reintroduced by the project, a clear sign of the effectiveness of the actions we are carrying forward!





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