Foto Home: Roberto Sauli

From March 4 to 6 was held the first volunteer session dedicated to amphibians (volunteer project coordinated by the Coop. Inquiete).

Five volunteers armed with hoes and spades and accompanying by a monitor have struggled with adverse weather conditions and have achieved several areas fot the reproduction of the Yellowbelly toad in locations Mandriolo di Sopra e di Sotto in the municipality of Santa Sofia (FC).

In addition, these volunteers have had the opportunity to know more deeply the project, because the first day was dedicated to a presentation by David Alberti of the National Park and they visited another reproduction areas of the amphibians of the park.


The next round of volunteer work dedicated to the National Park amphibians will be held 18 to 20 March 2016 (Regulations and application form can be downloaded from the Park or from the special section of the forum site http: // For more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Foto: Andrea Pollini






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