Foto Home: Roberto Sauli

The area of intervention is located in locality Stradelli (822 m. S.l.m.), in the municipality of Chiusi della Verna (AR). It is a pasture area near an agricultural ruin, characterized by the presence of a small trench, the tributary left of the Archiano Creek. In 2015, some interventions were carried out to facilitate the colonization by amphibians, through the creation of a puddle and the decompression of a surface portion. In 2017, further work was carried out, located in the pasture area, upstream and downstream of the runway, and near the ditch. A new watering holes was made of a group of four tanks, of which the largest can be used for the watering and the other three specifications for amphibians. The tanks are equipped of external and internal rims to allow entry and exit of amphibians. There were also maded 3 other puddles on the grazing area near the watering holes. The 4 ponds were fenced to protect them from the wild boars entrances.


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